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Spotlight: Business Selling Insights

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In particular, you will want to be able to demonstrate consistently:

  • Accurately Estimating Project Costs
  • Strong Scheduling and Project Management Skills
  • Relationships with General Contractors and Subcontractors

Since 67% of specialty contractors are non-employer firms, another possibility is finding a licensed solopreneur who is ready to move beyond doing all the work by themselves alone.

A third, and more complex solution, involves the buyer having a Responsible Managing Employee (RME) or Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) who qualifies them as a licensed contractors. Sometimes it is proposed that you, as Seller, stay on in one of these positions. The CSLB sets requirements for an RMO or RME, including minimum time supervising and legal responsibilities. An attorney should be involved in establishing any agreement for you to stay on after the sale as an RMO or RME.

Book your free consultation now to discuss your industry and its impact on the value of your business and the steps you need to take to be prepared to sell.